“If I don’t know my options, I don’t have any.”
- Diana Korte
what is a doula?
and why would i need one?
A doula is an experienced person who provides practical and emotional support to pregnant women and their families before, during and after childbirth. Navigating the wealth of information available in our modern world can be daunting, whether you are a first time parent or have children already. A doula can help you really understand your choices so you can decide on what is best for YOU and your family.
Doulas support women in the full spectrum of birth options. There is no ‘one size fits all’ with birth, and every woman will have her own set of unique preferences and needs. A doula is there to support you with whatever birth you plan to have and will help you process any unexpected events so that whatever the outcome, the experience is a POSITIVE one.
Doulas are NOT medically trained and do not replace midwives. A doula can support your birth process by providing a level of continuity that most midwives are unable to due to the pressures on them. Midwives generally work on shift patterns which may not coincide perfectly with your birth! A doula will be there throughout your labour, providing continuous support and be a known, friendly face which is invaluable to a labouring woman.
A doula does not replace the loving support of a partner (unless that is what is required!) Where partners are present, a doula will be on hand to guide them where necessary on how to support the mother, both emotionally and physically. She can also ensure that the partner gets respite where needed, help with practical tasks such as getting drinks and snacks and carrying bags, essentially being an extra pair of hands so that the labouring mother receives continuous care and feels fully safe, secure and supported.
A postnatal doula will ‘mother the mother’ in the weeks or months following birth. Having a doula support you in those early days as a new or extended family can be extremely helpful. An extra pair of hands to hold the baby while you rest or tend to to other children; someone to listen to you and help you learn the ways of your baby; someone to support you with feeding your baby and being by your side for trips out or appointments. This is a flexible role and will be guided by the needs of your family.
The 2017 Cochrane review
Continuous support for women during childbirth
The research shows that having a doula present:
Increases likelihood of:
having a shorter labour
parental satisfaction with the birth experience
successfully establishing breastfeeding
Reduces the risk of:
caesarean birth
instrumental birth
needing painkillers or epidural during birth
requiring induction of labour
post-natal depression
The Cochrane review 2017 - click to read the full review
For further in depth explanation of the research and evidence, please see this article:
The Evidence for Doulas